Cristian Livadaru's Blog

My personal view on things

FusionPBX and anonymous callerID

Some carriers might block calls if the call has no caller id in the sip FROM. I stumbled upon such an issue while forwarding inbound calls from FusionPBX to a cell phone number. The calls were rejected if they reached fusionpbx with anonymous as the caller id.

Doing FusionPBX Provisioning the right way

Reusing passwords is never a good idea and by default the fusionpbx setup would use the same user and password for all domains when provisioning.

Freeswitch/Fusionpbx: Play audio after call was picked up

Want to play and audio to the called number after the call was picked up?

Changing conference voice prompts on FusionPBX

Offering VoIP solutions to endusers requires the VoIP system to speak their language. Here’s how to change the language for the conference system on fusionpx