Cristian Livadaru's Blog

My personal view on things

Postfix complains about Cannot start TLS: handshake failure

Ok, this was a huge waste of time going down this rabbit hole. Postfix complains about handshake failure when trying to send emails over TLS. Non TLS works fine, receiving mails via TLS works fine, what gives?

Backing up databases to Minio S3 with Docker

You have lots of databases and you want to back them up to a central location. You could use a cloud provider, but what if you want to keep the data on your own server? Minio S3 is a great solution for this and with Docker it’s easy to set up.

Copying data between two seafile servers

You could just copy data between two seafile servers via seafile client or web, but life’s to short for that.

Install Mikrotik CHR on a XEN dom0

If you want to play around with mikrotik or a need a mikrotik CHR, you can install it on XEN and run it without any issues.

Upgrading PostgreSQL 9.1 to 9.4

Happy times with locales during a simple upgrade

Error: The locale requested by the environment is invalid. Error: Could not create target cluster

Switching mailservers with nginx as mail proxy

Switching mailserver with lots of active users isn’t an easy task. First you need to copy the mails to the new server and then get all the users to change mailserver settings at the same time to switch to the new server.

Extending an LVM backed by an LSI RAID controller

Adding new disks to a LSI controller, creating a new VD and extending an existing LVM volume group

Changing disks of a Linux mdadm RAID

If you change all disks at once there will be issues booting the system and mounting the correct disks, here’s how I solved this issue.