Cristian Livadaru's Blog

My personal view on things

The always-connected generation

A scurity issue here, an IT emergency there, some “critical infrastructure” going now and needs to be dealt with right now. We keep taking or accepting more and more responsibilities and duties which works out fine in the beginning but at some point we realise we’ve dug ourselves into a hole which is hard to get out of or don’t notice at all that we are in a hole until it’s much to late.

The beauty of film

There are some movies which are more then just movies. Pulling you in, taking you on a journey through time, a journey through emotions, raising questions but not giving answers, leaving you to piece it all together and give it some meaning.


There are all kind of ways to become imortal, you can build something great, you can be a massive tyranic asshole, or do some small things and become imortal through your children.

Home Assistant With TimescaleDB and Grafana

In my pursuit of adding some nice graphs to my home assistant installation I first started going down the InfluxDB path but quickly had to give up and used TimescaleDB instead


Having the death talk with your kids isn't something easy

Copying data between two seafile servers

You could just copy data between two seafile servers via seafile client or web, but life’s to short for that.

mimemagic breaking bundle install

This is no new issue and most likely it will only be relevant to older rails projects, but since I faced the same issue again and meanwhile forgot what it was about and how it should be fixed, here a note to self. For more details and an appropriate header image for this subject, check out Christine’s Post on this issue: What’s up with mimemagic breaking everything? The Error While running bundle install

Privacy focused voice assistant with Rhasspy and Home Assistan

Having my issues with privacy in regards to voice assistants like Alexa or Google home, I needed something that works without cloud services, Rhasspy delivers but getting there is quite a bumby ride.

Fuck the war

One moment you are out and drinking a cup of coffee, the next moment you are in the middle of a war. You have done nothing wrong, your family and friends have done nothing wrong, but you are being slaughtered regardless.

The end of an era

Everything has to come to an end at some point, the retirement and with that the end of my parents restaurant made me remember some old stories …